Morimoto Diana Court: Creating Space Through Calligraphy
Tokyo, Japan, 2012 | Interior
This piece is based on the concept of calligraphy becoming a part of the space in which we lead our lives, without the need to separate itself as adiscrete object of art. In order to achieve this, the work is made on pieces of washi which stretch across the entire wall. The pieces are not framed, but instead treated like wall paper, leaving the texture of the washi to frame the outermost edge. The collection of pieces uses a combination of traditional green hued ink and black ink to match the colors of the apartment.
「Green 」がテーマの空間コンセプトに添って、いろ墨の緑とうす墨の黒の二色使いの作品。線の流れ、文字の動きを活かし、かつモザイクのように散りばめることで コンテンポラリーに仕上げた。フレームの中に作品をとどめるのではなく、壁一面をアーティスティックに演出。 壁一面の和紙の風合いが新鮮な空間を創り出す。